How to Write Effective Emails 

Start the subject line with keywords: Project/task name - Action - Subject e.g. Retail Comms - Input request - Reporting article final draft review request  Email body summary - summarize…


Basics Effective presentation stems from clear thinking.  Plan ahead - consider the audience, prepare your content and be comfortable delivering the material Identify the potential needs, objectives, and goals of…

How to be Happy 

Dr. Laurie Santos We are not built to be happy. We are built for survival and reproduction.  Miswanting - the act of trying to go for certain things that we…


Andrew Huberman on meditation Brain can’t feel. When you focus on your brain thoughts will come in waves.  Feeling, emotions and memories when we focus on the prefrontal cortex Being…

Three Goals for Any Interaction 

Marsha Linehan dialectical behavior therapy In her module, she talks about there are really three goals that we can have when we enter into any human interaction. Ideally, we achieve…

Eight Rules of the School of Life

By Alain de Botton Accept imperfection — We are all from close up scared, unsure, full of regret, longing, and error. No one is normal. The only people we can think…

Neuroscience of Creativity

By Beau Lotto Every behavior that we do is to reduce uncertainty e.g. on a boat when eyes see we are still, inner ear see we are moving, brain gets…

Team Topology

Team topologies by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais Goal: Achieve flow. Common Software/Product development issues Teams struggle with the cost of switching contexts. Teams lack the bandwidth to pursue mastery…